BoxUK WordPress Project Skeleton
A base WordPress project from Box UK to get you up and running quickly.
Create a new project with composer
composer create-project boxuk/wp-project-skeleton my-project --stability=dev
Install with the simple install script
bin/install my-project
Note: This is an interactive command.
If you need to update the admin password, you can run the following WP-CLI command:
bin/docker/wp user update admin --user_pass=your_password_here
📕 - Fully documented.
🐳 - Fully dockerized setup
📦 - Composer based plugin management
📋 - Dictator support for dictating state across environments
🪜 - Fixtures support using wp-cli-fixtures
🏋️♀️ - Optimised mu-plugin setup, including scaffold tool
🚩 - First class support for feature flags using wp-feature-flags
✅ - Unit, Integration and Visual Regression testing support
You can read more about all of these features in this post on the Box UK blog.