Set up initial state
Run composer (if you haven't already):
bin/docker/composer install
or simply
composer install
if not using docker
So you have WordPress set up and you're ready to rock. You can go through the WordPress installer and set everything up manually or you can automate this using dictator
Before using dictator though you will need to do install, so run the following first:
bin/docker/wp core install --url="https://$PROJECT_NAME.local" --title="Box UK WordPress Project" --admin_user=admin --admin_email=boxuk@example.com
Be sure to take a note of the generated password!
To do this, take a look at site-state.yml
and edit to your needs, then run:
bin/docker/wp dictator impose site-state.yml
(or bin/wp dictator impose site-state.yml
if not using docker)
This should give you an installed WordPress with some basic settings already set.